Our Vision
To see His kingdom invade earth in every area of influence.
Our Mission
We believe, it’s our mandate to equip, build and empower believers to be cultural reformers.
The fourth chapter of the book of Ephesians presents a comprehensive and unambiguous framework that outlines the roles of various individuals such as Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers in equipping the saints for ministry work. These individuals are instrumental in building up the Body of Christ with the ultimate goal of achieving complete unity.
Our aim is to provide you with the necessary tools and resources to empower you to lead a fulfilling and purposeful life, both in your ministry and family life.
We offer a range of teachings that focus on important topics such as: Identity in Christ Jesus, Fivefold Ministry/Culture of Honor, and Creating an Atmosphere of Heaven, all of which are designed to help you achieve kingdom living and lead a successful life.
As humans, we possess an extraordinary capacity to envisage and construct entities that do not yet exist, which makes us accountable for shaping a brighter future for future generations.
Our primary objective is to establish ecosystems that prioritize God's presence and His kingdom rather than focusing on creating ostentatious movements. We are not here to build big movements. We are here to build big people.
Our teachings revolve around: Cultivating an apostolic and kingdom culture, honing leadership acumen, and identifying and nurturing cultural values.
Putting knowledge into practice is crucial when understanding the power of the Holy Spirit. Our organization places a high value on openly expressing the gifts bestowed upon us by the Spirit.
While talking about Spiritual Gifts can be uncomfortable for some, we remain committed to sharing the biblical significance of these gifts and encouraging the body of Christ to utilize them.
Our teachings cover various topics including: Introducing the Holy Spirit, the Fruits of the Spirit & Spiritual Gifts, and the Great Commission. We believe these teachings will help individuals grow in their faith and become more effective in serving others.